Sustainable Aviation Fuel

Sustainable Aviation Fuel, as the name suggests, is an eco-friendly alternative to conventional jet fuel. It has a smaller carbon footprint due to its method of production and hence, can greatly reduce the life cycle GHG emissions in the aviation industry. The various feedstocks that make production of sustainable aviation fuel possible include used cooking oil, municipal solid waste and various forms of agricultural and biogenic waste.

The lower carbon intensity of sustainable aviation fuel is an essential solution as the aviation industry accounts for almost 11% of the total CO2 emissions caused by the transportation sector in the world.

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SAF in a Sensible Circular Future

Sustainable aviation fuel allows for a multi decade transition ahead of any massive infrastructure changes that will be required for hydrogen fuel based aircrafts The ability to mix SAF with conventional jet fuel makes way for a gradual shift in the industry where most stakeholders can observe the advantages and then move to high levels of production subsequently benefitting from economies of scale.

A compelling case for SAF plants globally

  • SAF specifications match Jet A/A-1. It is better on aromatics and sulphur content.
  • 50% blending with kerosene AF is permitted.
  • SAF leads to 80% reduction in GHG.
  • SAF is a drop-in solution to the existing fuel supply chain and infrastructure.

A strong regulatory support environment will be essential for scaling up SAF production. While several airlines and associations have already committed to SAF targets, an increasing number of countries are expected to announce regulatory frameworks in support of SAF.



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