A Sensible Circular Future

An ideal circular future envisions a world where waste is eliminated and materials are circulated at their highest value, all in support of an endlessly sustainable planet. Given the current patterns of resource usage in the planet, this seems like a utopic vision. However, we have no choice but to start the journey towards an ideal future, while recognizing that all transformative changes need to plan for an effective transition.
We have seen the negative impacts of unrealistic scenarios and flawed assumptions that formed the narrative in the shift from oil and gas to renewable energy with lower carbon footprint. We have now acknowledged that energy security and energy transition will be essential considerations as we reduce the reliance on oil and gas.
A sensible sustainable future will only be achieved through the creation of value adding circular economy assets, without harming the equilibrium in our diminishing resources.

The need for this planned transition offers many opportunities in the areas of production of sustainable fuels and energy.


Towards a Circular Future

Sencirc is an investment company with a portfolio of holdings in the circular economy. The company invests, partners and supports ventures in an ecosystem that allows conversion of different forms of waste inputs into valuable and sustainable outputs.

Circular Future Ecosystem

There are some common themes across all the developments that will form part of the sensible circular future. Through its global networks and deep domain expertise, Sencirc plans to address the challenges in the ecosystem and convert them into opportunities.


  • Heterogenous
  • Fragmented
  • Supply chain constrained
  • Examples:
  • Agricultural waste for Biogas plants.
  • Used cooking oil, biomass waste for SAF.
  • Municipal solid waste for EfW.

Technology and Construction

  • Evolving technology and regulatory oversights.
  • Significant capital required to improve biochemical processes.
  • Transition issues of new construction players pivoting from other industries.
  • Evolving contracting models.
  • Examples:
  • Membrane technologies in Biogas.
  • Alcohol to Jet technologies for SAF.
  • Pyrolysis technologies in EfW.

Customer Offtakes

  • Limited domain expertise of new players like airlines, private industries and oil and gas marketing companies.
  • Evolving contracting models.
  • Government regulations in the form of mandates and incentives with limited clarifications.
  • Fuel retailers buying and selling CBG.
  • Airlines with SAF agreements.
  • Captive industrial EfW plants.

Sencirc’s vision is to be a key player within the circular economy ecosystem and work with strategic partners to improve the efficiency, proficiency and urgency in delivering the best possible results for a sustainable future without which there is no long term future for our planet.



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